Monday, May 2, 2011

Carlos nominees!

1- =  his blog I liked because it is the same topic as mine, we mostly have he same facts we both have family members that served and still serving in the army

2- it is true handicapped people shouldnt be discriminated they may not be able to do the same things other people can but they still are equal

3- = catholics shouldnt be discrimanted they are a religon with different views and opinons everyone has a different opinion about something why cant they.

4- =the mistreating of african americans may be the most biggest act of racism ever to happen in the world. i liked how he talked about their history and how they fought back.

5- = I liked how he described and used the situation in Puerto Rico about the university that the students are paying alot.The students fought back very violently wich led to arrest.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Change...GI Bill

The big change for veterans was the GI bill. The GI bill was a bill done after WWII that helped veterans get into college or into school or other educational services.On June 22, 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill of Rights. By the time the original G.I. Bill ended in July 1956, 7.8 million World War II veterans had participated in an education or training program and 2.4 million veterans had home loans backed by the Veterans' Administration.

 Today, the legacy of the original G.I. Bill lives on in the Montgomery G.I. Bill.benefits may be used up to 10 years from the date of last discharge or release from active duty. The 10-year period can be extended by the amount of time a service member was prevented from training during that period because of a disability or because he/she was held by a foreign government or power.

This bill made lives for veterans easier. They could get quickly into a school, college or jobs. Also for their family it made stuff easier. their benefits would be more if they got any disableties, or sickness in war.

New Amendment

 I want changes for the veterans. They should be benefited for what they did for the country. They worked for all of us and most of them gave their lives for us in battle. They feel like that they did their job for nothing, they never got repaid back. They only got recognized with a medal and a ceremony. In the ceremony for the war in Vietnam they gave them all medals, they said that they received a medal for murder.

I propose a new amendment for veterans granting them benefits for them and for their families. Veterans shouldn't pay for taxes for all they done in the war. Many people also do think they should be benefited. They should receive a benefiter plan that they should receive monthly. If the veteran that is receiving the plan is disabled is percentage of the amount is given should be increased.

I think that this proposal is a great idea to help those veterans that served for us in the armed forces. They would feel like they have been thanked for what they did.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Veterans fighting back...

In this video it shows how the veterans are fighting for those benefits that hey never got.They feel that they fought for nothing, they did many things for the US, but got nothing back from the government. They decided to go on a campaign around US with different stops and people signed a paper to who was with the veterans on getting benefits. The people on the tour bus going around on the campaign were veterans from different places.

Many veterans were against the Vietnam war. Soldiers deserted the area. Many other soldiers say that the morality of the war changed while they were fighting. They say that it wasn't really a war it was called murder. Soldiers want to go back to Vietnam to "rebuild the country they tore apart" they say the war was abusive. I asked my grandfather and he has a very strong character and he told me that while he was a Vietnam he felt sorry  when he saw burning house and practically everything was destroyed.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mistreating of the US Veterans...

Veterans aren't mostly mistreated.They are one of the people many people look up to! At the end of the Viet Nam war just as the Iraq war is becoming now it had become a very unpopular war. The media in its exceedingly sensational way portrayed viet nam vets as murderers , baby killers if you will. The public bought into the reports and veterans in general became second class citizens. Men who were emotionally and physically scarred for life from their time spent there had no safe haven from persecution and developed mental issues with depression and post traumatic stress. Getting and keeping jobs was difficult and the government had not yet recognized these mental issues as valid. Many veterans became homeless because of this and just fell between the cracks, no help from the VA and even less from society in general. 

Thousands of us Gulf war veterans suffer from ailments unrecognized by the federal government so no steps are taken to care for them.T
he United States alone deployed 697,000 men and women to the Middle East during the First Gulf War. As many as one in 10 of these individuals had reported symptoms by the mid 1990s. Some of the symptoms have also expanded to the families of these soldiers, many of whom brought back mementos from Iraq which may have been contaminated, in addition to their soiled gear.

Veterans feel mistreated by the goverement be cause they were never helped for these sicknesses and symptoms they got.I dont think they have been discriminated socially becuse many people do respect them.These things arent metioned in the bill of rights but the goverment should do something about it.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Veterans Right

Veterans started when WWI ended. Army was formed in 1775. I think the veterans group will be there always bcause they are so important, they even made a day to represent these men and women who fought for their country. There are many types of groups of veterans. There are veterans for the wars, being disabled, prisoners in war, and black veterans.

The veterans have been around since the army. The veterans group is very strong because many people respect them for all of what they did to protect their country. Many people have family members in the veteran group. I dont think nobody dosent like this group which is aother reason they are strong group. They did a big thing that normall today some people dont want to do, which is to serve the country.
This group will continue because other generations follow the same footprints of other veterans. My grandfather s a veteran and I am very proud of him and feel lucky to have a vetern in my family. In 2009 the census recorded that there was 21.9 million veterans in the US 1.5 million veterans were females.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It was a good essay. I liked how he talked about what happend to the indians at the reservations. And explained what they did.

He talks about the whites taking lands away from the nativee americans. Whites making indians signing deals with the whites. How he said that the whites promised many things to indians but the whites didnt keep there promise.

He told how the indians lived in the reservations. He says how the native amercians live before the whites moved them to reservations. He also talks when the whites took theem to the reservations how theey reacted.

Gabriela A-
She explains the battle at bighorn. She also explains how the goverment worked and how it treated the indians. She also explains the indians culture like the Ghost Dance.

Shee explains what happened when the indians went through assimilation. She gives an example of Charles in the movie, when he had to go through the assimilation process. I agree with her saying that the whites used violence to get their way.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Native Americans: Lifestyle with whites....

The Native Americans had a peaceful lifestyle living on their own lands and their own customs and traditions. When the whites ordered them to move from lands to lands and finally moved them to the reservations. They we given a yearly wage, food, and livestock. They would also earn money for agreeing with whites for land, and for each land sold they would earn a  part of the money earned. Normally the whites moved the native americans just because they wanted there fertile land.Once the native americans would move they needed a "white" name in which they were given a book full of names to choose from  like George, Charles, Giles, etc. When the native americans lived in the reservations they had to do everything that they were ordered to do. The native americans thought they would have a nice life a better life in the reservations. You would see that in the reservations one of the worst things happened to the native americans....

Native Amercians were the first people to arrive to America. They had a great culture. When the railroads were being built many buffalo were killed. Buffalos were native americans primary food supply. They had to moved to different lands. They finally ended up in a reservation where they were promised food, shelter and a yearly wage.  One of the most important reservations were Pine Ridge many things happened here. Sitting Bull was arrested and killed. Also the native americans when they were ordered to leave the reservation, the massacre at wounded knee also took place.

Native Americans finally were part of whites but the whites ordered them to change their name to a Christian names.The white people would give them a little book filled with Christian names. Christians names were like George, John, William, Giles, and Henry. I dont really know what the difference was but, maybe it was the whites wanted to also feel like they were talking to a white person by also saying there name.

Whatever the whites said to the native americans they had to obey. If the whites said to move they had to move, if they said rollover they had to rollover. The native americans thought it was going to be easy, but it really wasnt. They got really sick, many died. They ended up moving from the reservations end the whites ended up killing most of them.

When I learned about all of the things about native americans and there lifestyle and culture. They had to go through many tough times moving form lands to lands, then ending up in a reservation. They had battles with white man and also even had battles with other indian tribes. The whites abused with the americans if they could of just find another land and leave the native americans where they were maybe the massacre wouldnt of happened.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Friends Blog's Reaction

Stephanie  Rivera:

I liked what she wrote about where her family came from, she knew alot about her family and how her granparents and her famliy stayed in their hometown for more then 100 years. And she is proud of her heritage and culture

Keven Delgado:

I saw the video on Keven's Blog, I think the mexicans are kind of overreacting, but also the Americans are kind of tying to make the mexicans fight back or get in trouble. It is a big issue today in the US mexican immigration

Celimar Torres:

I liked Celimars 3rd blog because she expressed herself of what she thought of why people form other places immigrate and why they go to America to find a better life and opportunity

Jan Paul Perez:

I liked how jan Paul talked about where the heritage came form and it looks like he felt proud about his culture and where he came from.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Indian, Spanish and African races came together on the island of Puerto Rico, contributing their blood and traditions to the formation of the Puerto Rican culture.
The original inhabitants of Puerto Rico at the time of the Spanish conquest were the Taino and Carib Indian-tribes. The Tainos were peaceful people, but the Caribs were warlike cannibals who had originally come from the jungles of South America.
The Spanish colonists who came to the island belonged to the "white" or "caucasian" race, a blend of various white sub-races with the predominant Mediterranean characteristics of dark-hair and dark eyes. They came to the island hoping to become rich because of reports of gold and rich vegetation.
The third group of inhabitants of Puerto Rico were the Africans. The Spaniards initially brought in African slaves to help in their search for gold, and later to work in the planting and harvesting of sugar cane.
The present population of Puerto Rico can be divided roughly into three overlapping categories: Whites, Blacks and a large variety of types representing various mixtures of Indians, Spaniards and Blacks.

I dont know that much about my family but my Great grandfather fathers was form Santo Domingo and they moved to PR and then from my grandmother down I know it continues on Puerto Rico. My Grandfathers family was from Puerto Rico, well the most that I know. My Grandfather told me that the Colon family started in Spain and continued on.

Well my opinion is that not every one is pure, there is always a mix of different cultures and races in everyones family. You could be living in America for 30 or 40 years but maybe your great great great great great great grandfather was from Spain. We are all different! :)

Immigration Today!

 Reaction- I think this is unfair...because it seems kind of disrespectful for a cop to stop you and ask for your papers just because if you look like a immgrator. I think my opinion of immigration stays the should be legal everywhere and that people could travel freely and not have to be checked. If i migrated to the US i would feel nervous right now at this time, of what is happenng that they are deporting people.

Journey to America...

Hello, my name is Cristiano Rossi...I am 17 I am from Italy and travelled to the US about a year ago. Life in Italy wasnt going very well for us so my father told us to pack our bags because we were leaving for the US. When we got on the boat to leave for the US it wasnt a good sight. The boat wasnt so big for so many people we were all croweded in the boat. It took us 11 days to get to New York, but we were stop on an island called Ellis Island. We had to get off the boat and officers were checkng us everywhere they checked if we had any sickness. They were all army uniformed docters. Next to me there was a man who had a horrible fever. The docter saw the man and when they found out they threw him in woth other sick and detained immigrants. We got through and were able to arrive New York, my father was already loking for jobs. After a few days my father was working as a sweage cleaner and I was working as a shoeshiner. We had very low wages, and are house wasnt so fancy it was very little to fit me, my father,mother and brother. We had one bedroom, one bathroom and the kitchen, very small. We started getting used to our life in the US, now today my father is a owner of an italian restaurant and I am gong to enter college soon. We have gotten a better lifestyle ever years passing.

History of Italian Immigration.

The italians immigrated most to the US then any other European. There was Italian immigration before, but nummbers soared after 1880. From 1890 to 1900 655,888 immigrants entered the US more then two-thirds were men. Main reasons for immigration were poor economy and the potato famine. The potato famine was getting worse and worse, killing many people and getting them sick. They traveled on crowded and dangerous ships. They had to stop on Ellis Island to be checked for diseases and get papers. When they started living in the US life wasnt easy for the italians, low wage jobs and uncomfortable homes. Italians were called "birds of passage" because they went to the US and when they had enough money they would go back to Italy and buy farm and start their new jobs on their farms. Most immgrating italians were catholics. I learned that life for immigraing italians wasnt easy. They had to go through alot of things during the trip to New York and when they lived in New York. If I was travelling form Italy to the US during that time, I would have to feel what they felt. Many people got sick and died during these trips, so it wasnt very easy.