Friday, March 25, 2011

It was a good essay. I liked how he talked about what happend to the indians at the reservations. And explained what they did.

He talks about the whites taking lands away from the nativee americans. Whites making indians signing deals with the whites. How he said that the whites promised many things to indians but the whites didnt keep there promise.

He told how the indians lived in the reservations. He says how the native amercians live before the whites moved them to reservations. He also talks when the whites took theem to the reservations how theey reacted.

Gabriela A-
She explains the battle at bighorn. She also explains how the goverment worked and how it treated the indians. She also explains the indians culture like the Ghost Dance.

Shee explains what happened when the indians went through assimilation. She gives an example of Charles in the movie, when he had to go through the assimilation process. I agree with her saying that the whites used violence to get their way.

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