Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Veterans fighting back...

In this video it shows how the veterans are fighting for those benefits that hey never got.They feel that they fought for nothing, they did many things for the US, but got nothing back from the government. They decided to go on a campaign around US with different stops and people signed a paper to who was with the veterans on getting benefits. The people on the tour bus going around on the campaign were veterans from different places.

Many veterans were against the Vietnam war. Soldiers deserted the area. Many other soldiers say that the morality of the war changed while they were fighting. They say that it wasn't really a war it was called murder. Soldiers want to go back to Vietnam to "rebuild the country they tore apart" they say the war was abusive. I asked my grandfather and he has a very strong character and he told me that while he was a Vietnam he felt sorry  when he saw burning house and practically everything was destroyed.

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