Monday, April 18, 2011

New Amendment

 I want changes for the veterans. They should be benefited for what they did for the country. They worked for all of us and most of them gave their lives for us in battle. They feel like that they did their job for nothing, they never got repaid back. They only got recognized with a medal and a ceremony. In the ceremony for the war in Vietnam they gave them all medals, they said that they received a medal for murder.

I propose a new amendment for veterans granting them benefits for them and for their families. Veterans shouldn't pay for taxes for all they done in the war. Many people also do think they should be benefited. They should receive a benefiter plan that they should receive monthly. If the veteran that is receiving the plan is disabled is percentage of the amount is given should be increased.

I think that this proposal is a great idea to help those veterans that served for us in the armed forces. They would feel like they have been thanked for what they did.

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