Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Indian, Spanish and African races came together on the island of Puerto Rico, contributing their blood and traditions to the formation of the Puerto Rican culture.
The original inhabitants of Puerto Rico at the time of the Spanish conquest were the Taino and Carib Indian-tribes. The Tainos were peaceful people, but the Caribs were warlike cannibals who had originally come from the jungles of South America.
The Spanish colonists who came to the island belonged to the "white" or "caucasian" race, a blend of various white sub-races with the predominant Mediterranean characteristics of dark-hair and dark eyes. They came to the island hoping to become rich because of reports of gold and rich vegetation.
The third group of inhabitants of Puerto Rico were the Africans. The Spaniards initially brought in African slaves to help in their search for gold, and later to work in the planting and harvesting of sugar cane.
The present population of Puerto Rico can be divided roughly into three overlapping categories: Whites, Blacks and a large variety of types representing various mixtures of Indians, Spaniards and Blacks.

I dont know that much about my family but my Great grandfather fathers was form Santo Domingo and they moved to PR and then from my grandmother down I know it continues on Puerto Rico. My Grandfathers family was from Puerto Rico, well the most that I know. My Grandfather told me that the Colon family started in Spain and continued on.

Well my opinion is that not every one is pure, there is always a mix of different cultures and races in everyones family. You could be living in America for 30 or 40 years but maybe your great great great great great great grandfather was from Spain. We are all different! :)

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