Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journey to America...

Hello, my name is Cristiano Rossi...I am 17 I am from Italy and travelled to the US about a year ago. Life in Italy wasnt going very well for us so my father told us to pack our bags because we were leaving for the US. When we got on the boat to leave for the US it wasnt a good sight. The boat wasnt so big for so many people we were all croweded in the boat. It took us 11 days to get to New York, but we were stop on an island called Ellis Island. We had to get off the boat and officers were checkng us everywhere they checked if we had any sickness. They were all army uniformed docters. Next to me there was a man who had a horrible fever. The docter saw the man and when they found out they threw him in woth other sick and detained immigrants. We got through and were able to arrive New York, my father was already loking for jobs. After a few days my father was working as a sweage cleaner and I was working as a shoeshiner. We had very low wages, and are house wasnt so fancy it was very little to fit me, my father,mother and brother. We had one bedroom, one bathroom and the kitchen, very small. We started getting used to our life in the US, now today my father is a owner of an italian restaurant and I am gong to enter college soon. We have gotten a better lifestyle ever years passing.

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