Friday, March 25, 2011

It was a good essay. I liked how he talked about what happend to the indians at the reservations. And explained what they did.

He talks about the whites taking lands away from the nativee americans. Whites making indians signing deals with the whites. How he said that the whites promised many things to indians but the whites didnt keep there promise.

He told how the indians lived in the reservations. He says how the native amercians live before the whites moved them to reservations. He also talks when the whites took theem to the reservations how theey reacted.

Gabriela A-
She explains the battle at bighorn. She also explains how the goverment worked and how it treated the indians. She also explains the indians culture like the Ghost Dance.

Shee explains what happened when the indians went through assimilation. She gives an example of Charles in the movie, when he had to go through the assimilation process. I agree with her saying that the whites used violence to get their way.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Native Americans: Lifestyle with whites....

The Native Americans had a peaceful lifestyle living on their own lands and their own customs and traditions. When the whites ordered them to move from lands to lands and finally moved them to the reservations. They we given a yearly wage, food, and livestock. They would also earn money for agreeing with whites for land, and for each land sold they would earn a  part of the money earned. Normally the whites moved the native americans just because they wanted there fertile land.Once the native americans would move they needed a "white" name in which they were given a book full of names to choose from  like George, Charles, Giles, etc. When the native americans lived in the reservations they had to do everything that they were ordered to do. The native americans thought they would have a nice life a better life in the reservations. You would see that in the reservations one of the worst things happened to the native americans....

Native Amercians were the first people to arrive to America. They had a great culture. When the railroads were being built many buffalo were killed. Buffalos were native americans primary food supply. They had to moved to different lands. They finally ended up in a reservation where they were promised food, shelter and a yearly wage.  One of the most important reservations were Pine Ridge many things happened here. Sitting Bull was arrested and killed. Also the native americans when they were ordered to leave the reservation, the massacre at wounded knee also took place.

Native Americans finally were part of whites but the whites ordered them to change their name to a Christian names.The white people would give them a little book filled with Christian names. Christians names were like George, John, William, Giles, and Henry. I dont really know what the difference was but, maybe it was the whites wanted to also feel like they were talking to a white person by also saying there name.

Whatever the whites said to the native americans they had to obey. If the whites said to move they had to move, if they said rollover they had to rollover. The native americans thought it was going to be easy, but it really wasnt. They got really sick, many died. They ended up moving from the reservations end the whites ended up killing most of them.

When I learned about all of the things about native americans and there lifestyle and culture. They had to go through many tough times moving form lands to lands, then ending up in a reservation. They had battles with white man and also even had battles with other indian tribes. The whites abused with the americans if they could of just find another land and leave the native americans where they were maybe the massacre wouldnt of happened.